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Wedding decor at Oberoi Raj Vilas Jaipur
Wedding decor at Oberoi Raj Vilas Jaipur

Our Location


172, Shakti Nagar, Jhotwara Industrial Area, Jaipur - 302012


Mon-Sat: 10am-7pm

Destination Wedding Services

We offer our destination wedding planning and management services at the following places:
Wedding venues in Rajasthan
Jaipur | Udaipur | Jodhpur | Jaisalmer | Bikaner | Bharatpur | Neemrana | Other heritage forts & palaces
Wedding venues in Goa
South Goa | North Goa | Panaji
Wedding venues in Kerala
Kochi | Kovalam | Thiruvanthpuram
Wedding venues in Hill Stations
Mussorrie | Shimla | Nainital | Ooty
International wedding venues
Thailand | UAE | Turkey | Jordan | Morocco | Maldives | Mauritius | Italy | France | Greece | Croatia